C & S Blog


Sharing What's on My Heart 


Trust the Untethering

Aug 18, 2022

Trust the Untethering.

It was a sticker tucked into a card I received last week. 

I had to pause for a moment to take that in. The sender was a gifted intuitive I'd made an appointment with. How did she know those three words would resonate so deeply with me?

In last week's blog post, I shared some of the lessons that have been coming up as I learn to hold things loosely. The sticker felt like an invitation to sink more deeply into these lessons.

To pay attention to what's falling away as I learn to hold loosely.

To tune into how I feel about what's falling away and to allow myself to feel what I feel.

To keep myself from reaching out to recapture what's falling away . . . even if letting them go makes me sad or uncomfortable.

Our youngest daughter lived at home and attended our local community college for her freshman and sophomore years. Yesterday, she moved away to complete her degree at a university.

As I was driving home after helping her to get settled in, I began to think about "trust the untethering" in a different way.

She will be untethering from me.

And not to paint the picture that she's had a childlike dependence on me.

Far from it.

But now is when she really gets to experience the world fully on her terms . . . to be accountable to herself and only herself (and also, to a degree, her roommate) . . . to take what she's learned from me and Phillip and to be curious about it.

Some things, she will find, fit beautifully into her worldview.

And others won't.

And she's the one who gets to decide that for herself.

She will be untethering from me.

Sometimes, I'm astounded by life. On one level, it can be steady and resolute . . . mundane, even. And at the same time, on another level, it can be shifting and transforming at a pace that feels impossible to keep up with.

Nothing is changing and yet, everything is changing.

This week, my wish for you is that you trust the untethering; that from which you're untethering and that which is untethering from you.

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