Sheer Delight
Apr 17, 2023
Sheer Delight
What comes to mind when you hear that word?
What do you want?
What do you desire?
What do you dream of?
What do you want more of (or less of) in your life?
Last fall, during a five-day personal retreat, I asked my therapist if we could work together in a deeper way than in our weekly sessions.
We met one afternoon for several hours and she led me through three Focusing-Oriented "innercizes" that she's developed.
One of the innercizes was called Wanting.
And I have to be honest . . . I was skeptical. I couldn't think of a single THING that I wanted.
It didn't take long for me to realize that THINGS were not the thing that this was about.
It was more about dreams and desires . . . matters of the heart.
In the end, I arrived at DELIGHT as my wanting.
I want to delight in my life.
I want to delight in the people in my life.
I want the people in my life to delight in me.
I want experiences that bring me delight.
And I want to bring delight to others.
This past month, I've been reconnecting with friends and family post-pandemic and post-studies . . . lunching, having coffee (and also bar drinks), and walking . . . celebrating my grandlove's first birthday and hosting an Easter brunch . . . and Zoom visits with those I can't easily see in person.
It has been delightful!
I have been yearning for these reconnections.
They have been so good for my soul.
Last week, at the spur of the moment, our daughter Haley texted me, "Ya doing anything next Tuesday?"
I replied that I had a couple of clients and that I was working hard on the copy for my website.
She texted back, "I was going to see if you wanted to go to a music show."
"Who?" I asked.
"Jake Wesley Rogers. 8 PM. Charlotte."
I didn't hesitate, "Hell, YES!!!"
Now you might be asking, "who in the world is Jake Wesley Rogers?"
He is a young singer/songwriter and I absolutely adore him. Brené Brown interviewed him on her podcast, Unlocking Us. ***You might enjoy listening!
I picked my daughter up and we drove the hour and a half to Charlotte.
We ate ramen at our favorite ramen restaurant.
And I had THE best time singing at the top of my lungs and fangirling for two straight hours.
It was sheer delight!
It was such good medicine for my soul.
I'm certain that delight is my new favorite spiritual practice.
My wish for you this week is that you experience sheer delight . . . maybe a walk in the woods, a long-overdue visit with a firend, live music or a big bowl of delicious soup. Find some small (or large!!!) way to delight your soul. I'd love to hear about it and share your delight with you.