I Need an Oil Change
Jun 06, 2023
My car has been telling me . . .
it needs an oil change for two weeks . . . at least.
And before that, it spent a month telling me it was going to need one soon.
Every time I got into my car, I saw the message and still, I kept putting it off . . . prioritizing other things.
I can't even remember what they were now.
My body feels like it needs an oil change, too.
I've gotten in a wacky sleep schedule recently, staying up way too late and waking up tired.
Not paying attention to what and when I eat.
Getting lost in writing . . . and reading . . . and embroidery.
And just like I ignored the signals my car was giving me, I've ignored the signals my body has been giving me.
For way too long.
So this morning, when my head was already on work and I was already feeling behind, I didn't sit down at the computer and I didn't pick up a book or my embroidery.
Instead, I took a deep breath and asked my body what it most wanted . . . and then I actually listened to it.
It felt good to listen.
And it felt good to be heard.
Soul-Tending is my jam . . . self-care in the form of remembering and re-membering who we are, reconnecting with and learning to trust our own intuition and deep inner wisdom.
I live for this stuff, both in my own life and in being a companion for others on their own journeys.
And yet, there are times (many times, if I'm honest) I find myself needing an oil change.
Needing to recalibrate.
Needing to get back to the things that nourish me and ground me and keep me feeling connected to my Center and to my Source.
My wish for you this week is that you claim an extravagant amount of time (it might feel selfish, but trust me, it won't be nearly as long as it feels like) to ask what it is that you need most in this moment . . . and really listen.
If you're ready to begin or deepen your soul-tending practices, I'd love to fix a cup of tea and visit with you for about 20 minutes through the magic of Zoom. You can ask any questions you have and I'll share more about how we can work together. To find a good time to chat, visit my calendar.
One of my favorite places to recalibrate is in the hammock overlooking the river where I grew up.