C & S Blog


Sharing What's on My Heart 


Everything Has Changed

Mar 20, 2023

Everything Has Changed

I often imagine each of you pouring a cup of coffee or tea into a beloved, handmade pottery mug, cozying up in the well-worn corner of your couch and beginning your (mostly) Tuesday mornings reading my Wishes for You.

In this way, I see us collectively beginning our day connecting heart-to-heart.

That's the vision I hold as I write these notes to you.

Remember the last time you were getting ready to see people who knew you back when? 

  • Back when you were a teenager, dreaming about who you were going to be one day and what life would look like after you'd checked all the boxes?
  • Back when you spent that summer working at the beach and living with a house full of students you didn't know until the day you moved in with them?
  • Back when you hosted your first dinner party, and the baked chicken you'd spent the afternoon preparing was a beautiful golden brown on the outside and still frozen on the inside?

Remember the anticipation of seeing them again?

I bet you were excited.

I bet you were also anxious.

The last high school reunion I attended was in 2018. It wasn't a typical 5th year reunion (as in 5th, 10th, 15th . . . you get the picture).

Instead, it was a celebration of all of our 50th birthdays.

I'd invited a few of my closest high school friends to stay with me in my childhood home for the weekend. I hadn't seen any of them in at least twelve years and I was looking forward to having the extra time to reconnect with them; to catch up with all the places their lives had taken them.

I was also nervous.

I knew I wasn't the same person they'd known way back when, and I was sure they weren't the same people, either.

We'd all experienced joys, setbacks, triumphs, heartbreaks, celebrations and devastations; I knew we were all changed, but I didn't know how.

I was surprised to find that everything had changed . . . and yet, nothing had changed.

It's been a very long time since I've written to you.

I met some of you back when I was a homeschooling mom and "professional volunteer."

I met some of you back when I was a potter.

I met some of you back when I was a presenter on different online summits.

I met some of you back when I was a guest on several podcasts.

I met some of you back when I was hosting in-person SoulCollage® workshops.

And I met some of you back when I had a sweet little office and saw aromatherapy and Reiki clients in person.

A lot of life has happened since I last wrote. To all of us, I imagine.

Everything has changed . . . and yet, nothing has changed.

I'm excited to be reconnecting with you.

And I'm nervous.

Over the next several weeks, I'll be sharing about all that has been happening since I was last in touch; reintroducing myself to you in a new way.

Everything has changed . . . and yet, nothing has changed.

My wish for you this week, is that you find some time to reconnect with someone who knew you back when and to fully appreciate how everything, and yet nothing, has changed.

I used to be a potter. I snapped this photo of a freshly carved bowl as I was looking into the mirror at my wheel. The mirror helped me to see the contours of pots without my having to bend sideways.

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