Dwell in Possibility
Aug 23, 2022
Dwell in Possibility.
Emily Dickinson's words jumped out at me from the front of a card last week.
As I sit down to write, I'm beginning to notice a red thread running through my recent experiences and the lessons they have for me.
Hold it loosely.
Trust the untethering.
And now, dwell in possibility.
Our world is full of contradictions, and it can feel like our only choices are either/or choices . . . either this or that.
We often feel like ping pong balls volleying back and forth between extremes.
We're caught in the uncomfortable tension of opposites, forgetting that there's a vast in between space . . . not black . . . not white . . . but so many shades of grey.
There never seems to be a respite from the seesaw; never any ease.
In my work as a certified aromatherapist, I often create personal anointing oils to support my clients on their soul-tending journey. The individual essential oils I use in these blends are extra special in their own right.
Combined, they form a synergy which amplifies the effect of each oil. They alchemize in a way where together, they're greater than they are separately.
Recently, I was reading Robert A. Johnson's Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche, and I was struck by the concept of paradox.
Paradox comes from holding opposing ideas in our hands and letting them exist simultaneously and with equal importance. It's holding each loosely and allowing them to flow together and combine in such a way that they create a solution which honors both and is more powerful than either would be alone.
It's synergy-making.
It's alchemy.
It's the sacred work of dwelling in possibility.
My wish for you this week is that you find some breathing space for yourself between the opposites that pull you in two different directions and that you experience the wonder and awe of dwelling in possibility.