C & S Blog


Sharing What's on My Heart 


Answered Prayers

Jul 05, 2022
sisters, community, connection

Answered prayers.

Serendipity. Synchronicity.

Coincidence. Luck. Chance.

In January of 2020, my friend Alisha formed an online women’s group she called Re-Awakening Wisdom (RAW). For months, every time we spoke, she told me how wonderful this group was.

Not only did she keep telling me how wonderful these women were, but also how important they had become to her. Especially since we were living in a world where we felt sheltering in place was keeping us alive.

And killing us.

I’ve always thought I thrived in solitude.

Turns out, I need people.

So, in August of that year, I joined RAW. Every weekday morning, we hop on Zoom for an hour; the first thirty minutes are spent quietly journaling and the second thirty minutes are spent talking about whatever came up during writing.

I spent the first few weeks listening.

And then I began sharing.

It felt so vulnerable to share . . . like I might just fall apart if I allowed anyone to see how scared and uncertain and untethered I felt. I’m pretty sure most of the world’s population was feeling that way at that point in time (and even today), but something in me felt like I was the only one.

As I shared, I was met with compassion and open hearts and love.

And since that day, I’ve been met with nothing less.

We laugh and celebrate together.

We cry and grieve together.

We dream together and we hold each other accountable.

Last week, many of us met in Greensboro, NC to celebrate Alisha’s new book, Little Failures, and the launch of her Yoke and Abundance Press.

And we also got to celebrate us.

It was the first time many of us had met face to face and I still don’t have the words to describe how incredible it was to finally hug and laugh and cry and eat and just be in the same space for a little bit of time.

My wish for us is that we all find community where we can be loved and honored for who we are. Community that sees us just as we are, hears us just as we are and loves us just as we are.

These women, from all parts of the continent, have become my sisters. These women I didn’t know I needed . . . they are fierce, they are tender, and they are in my heart forever.

Coincidence. Luck. Chance.

Serendipity. Synchronicity.

Answered prayers.

PS There's always room for more at the table. If you're searching for a community of sisters, Re-Awakening Wisdom (RAW) may be what you're looking for. Also, if you're wanting to cultivate resilience, I highly recommend Alisha's book, Little Failures.

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