"Change requires being in relationship."
~ Eugene Gendlin
What in the world is Focusing anyway?
I hear this a lot.
The essence of Focusing is relationship-building.
But not just any relationship.
Focusing is a practice of connecting with your own body-based, inner wisdom, and using it as a guide for navigating life's twists and turns.
Does that sound a little "woo-woo?"
A different way of thinking about it is that Focusing is as simple as becoming aware of your feelings and inviting them to have a conversation while you (mostly) listen.
We live in a world that's noisy and hectic, full of things that constantly compete for our attention.
And we live in a culture that largely celebrates the intelligence associated with our brains.
But our bodies are smart, too.
Just as it can be easy to lose touch with a friend who moves away, it can also be easy to lose touch with our body-based inner wisdom . . . to become disconnected and detached.
Focusing helps us to reconnect with our body's intelligence by becoming aware of sensations and feelings (we call them felt senses in Focusing) and beginning to cultivate a relationship with them.
Would you like to Chat?
I'd love to fix a cup of tea and visit with you for about 20-minutes through the magic of Zoom. You can ask any questions you have and I'll share more about how we can work together.
Find a Good Time to ChatI bet you're still wondering . . .
Felt senses . . . tell me more.
There are a few things to know before your session.
What happens during a Focusing session?
How is Focusing used?
What are some benefits of Focusing?
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